All modules (by updated date)
ui-pnp Enable PNP4Nagios graphs inside the WebUI
webui2 Web User Interface for Shinken
pickle-retention-file-scheduler Module for loading/saving retention data from a flat file (for scheduler)
alerta Forward alerts to Alerta
import-aws-roy Import hosts from AWS regions
retention-mongodb Module for loading/saving retention data from a mongodb cluster
auth-ldap3 LDAPv3 (OpenLDAP, ActiveDirectory) auth for WebUI
hot-dependencies Will look at a source (file or other) hostdependencies and will update Shinken data with it. Use for example with VMWare with VMotion support
elasticmon Store Elasticsearch cluster stats in Elasticsearch instance
mod-influxdb Export host and service performance data and events to InfluxDB
graphite2 Export host and service performance data to Graphite carbon - version 2.1.4
nsca Receive check results sent from send_nsca, version 1.4.3
elastic-logs Store Shinken logs in Elasticsearch
auth-ws-glpi Authenticate Web UI users upon a Glpi Web Service login (version 2.0.3).
glpi-helpdesk Uses Glpi helpdesk in the Shinken WebUI (version 2.0).
glpidb Export monitoring data into the GLPI database, in monitoring plugin.
import-glpi Import Shinken configuration for hosts, services, commands, ... from the GLPI monitoring plugin.
ui-graphite2 Enable Graphite graphs inside the WebUI - version 2.1.2
mongo-logs Store Shinken logs and hosts/services availability in MongoDB without Livestatus
statsd Export host and service performance data to Statsd
booster-nrpe NRPE module to handle check_nrpe
canopsis Shinken module to connect to Canospis.
livestatus Livestatus module for Shinken
kiosks-counters Manage hosts and services counters.
checks-forward Forward checks result to another server via NSCA.
mod-mongodb-notification-broker Module used for Broker to relay notification broks received by Broker to a mongodb database
mod-mongodb-dt-ct-retention-scheduler Module used for Scheduler to store downtime and comment infos about services and hosts to a mongodb database
mod-mongodb-retention-scheduler Module used for Scheduler to store retention infos about services and hosts to a mongodb database
logstore-sqlite Sqlite backend for logstore
import-aws Import hosts from AWS regions
auth-active-directory Active directory auth for WebUI
logstore-null Export logs to /dev/null for the Livestatus module
snapshot-mongodb Module for saving/loading snapshot date into a mongodb cluster
logentries Send your Shinken data to Logentries
ndodb-mysql NDO MySQL module export for Shinken
graphite Export host and service performance data to Graphite carbon
mod-mongodb Module used for all mongodb connections, like for saving UI data, or loading configuration inside the Arbiter
mod-collectd Receive passive results from a collectd daemon
mod-riemann Export host and service performance data and events to riemann
ws-arbiter Provide a WebInterface for the external commands
named-pipe Command pipe to submit command to Shinken
ui-graphite Enable Graphite graphs inside the WebUI
sqlitelog Shinken module for sending data to a sqlite database
auth-pam Shinken module for UI authentification via pam
webui Main Web interface for Shinken
auth-cfg-password Shinken module for UI authentification from simple password for configuration file
import-landscape Will import hosts from Landscape service (Canonical SaaS)
auth-htpasswd Shinken module for UI authentification from Apache passwd files
npcdmod Module to send host and service perfdata to a NPCD daemon for PNP
logstore-mongodb Mongodb backend for logstore
simple-log Module for saving all logs from Shinken daemons into one file
ip-tag Tag host by their IP ranges
perfdata-service Module for saving service perfdata into a flat file (for Centreon)
sqlitedb Generic module for others to export data into a Sqlite database
raw-socket Export event to a socket in order to generate reports
awocket Export event to a socket in order to generate reports
file-tag Tagging host configuration based on a flat file presence
hack-poller-tag-by-macros Tag hosts poller tag based on macro
mysql-import Import Shinken configuration from a Mysql Server
android-sms Sending and receiving SMS from an Android phone
merlindb Shinken module for exporting data to a OP5/Merlin database (Mysql or sqlite)
csv-tag Tagging host configuration based on a csv file content
hack-commands-poller-tag-arbiter Replace on-the-fly a command's poller tag by another
couchdb Shinken module for sending data to a couchdb server
perfdata-host Module for saving host perfdata into a flat file (for Centreon)
status-dat Export data to a flat file compatible with Nagios CGI
pickle-retention-file-generic Module for loading/saving retention data from a flat file (for arbiter & broker)
retention-nagios Module for loading retention data from a nagios flat file. Useful for migration to Shinken from Nagios
retention-memcache Module for loading/saving retention data from a memcache server
retention-redis Module for loading/saving retention data from a redis cluster
syslog-sink Export data to a syslog server
ip_tag Tag host by their IP ranges